Sunday, 28 November 2021




Here’s a puzzle for you she says

and throws the pieces in his face


They flutter like confetti

take their time to settle


half his face


a ringed finger on a woman’s hand


something out of focus in the background


She turns around and leaves

righteous with his imagined grief


He tries to unimagine her being unbereaved

Thursday, 11 November 2021





… there on the branch just out of reach

branches as other hands fingers splayed

swayed by the current under the surface of sky


and stretching as if you could touch

and by touching know and knowing say

the words like water like air   a breath   a reprise


under the surface of sky swayed by the current

fingers splayed as other hands reach

just out of touch there on the branch


stretch as if you could say and by saying

touch and touching know the current

to breathe the water the air like words …