Monday, 30 January 2023




Oct ’73 written on the back

back then it’s another me that’s been

been left out in the rain, now  

sloughed, an old skin I’d walked around in

inside out   shy to light   exposed

tight fitting too thin on a frame

angular and sharp-boned

then slack   had enough

wanted to give it back – gone


others came seeking themselves

in cut and paste memories in which he plays

a bit part   uncredited   not quite a cameo   yet

there are fingerprints   DNA

the necessary narrative fallacy

a chalk outline on the floor

a photograph   but


Sunday, 15 January 2023

the unconsoled


the unconsoled (an extract)

a room mid-morning

there’s a monitor a sofa a bay window

with double glazing and other religions

neighbours’ houses back-lit a tree looms

a woman comes in

a man follows

they dance they argue they simulate sex

they sit on the sofa and watch Netflix   

finger food   surf   monthly installments

the audience become restless muttering

cough   a few stand up to leave

this in itself becomes a performance

a phone rings offstage goes on ringing


a child begins to cry in the auditorium

unconsoled ...