Saturday 27 July 2024

Pepper's ghost

 Pepper’s ghost (ATU 327A/DSM-IV)  

Once upon a time …

there’s a girl she’s lost a shoe she’s lost in a forest she’s a pocketful of breadcrumbs there’s a body in the oven uncooked raw she’s been to a ball dancing into the club she’s letting her hair down she’s tying it up it’s a ladder it’s a noose highly strung high and dry fast and loose she’s a beast to be kissed she’s a bargain being struck a clock striking midnight a deal not to be missed made for a match she’ll light them one by one she’s a promise of gold of blood on the sheets she’s in a passage of rites she’s a stepping stone a chicken bone a finger to be pricked an apple to be picked a bite to be taken a bag full of beans forsaken a tower to be climbed a property to be claimed she’s a name to be named  constructed deconstructed postmodernised and analysed  she’s a life to be lived in but the shoe that she’s found herself in doesn’t fit it           

mirror mirror on the wall where they all live happily ever after    after all

Thursday 4 July 2024

no longer there


no longer there 


it’s such a long journey to the other end of the sofa

he’d have to put his book down and crawl out of his bunker of cushions

climb over the TV and other defences

he’d have to pull himself out of this car crash

and swim to the surface


it’s such a long journey to the other end of the sofa

and there’s so much baggage clumsy and heavy

the terrain thick with roots and traps

and the map is worn thin and folded so

so that it falls apart in his fingers


it’s such a long journey to the other end of the sofa

that language tires stumbles into sleep

and he can’t read the invitation can’t even get it out of the envelope

of his pocket of air so thin here so steep the climb 

here beneath the weight of stars he tries to breathe


it’s such a long journey to the other end of the sofa

there are so many stations so much distance to cross

the compartment overheated overcrowded

the window busy reflecting inside and out

and arrival was never the point of his destination 


and maybe you are no longer there