The years accumulate,
Are stacked and packed
Onto shelves that bend
With the weight that
Selves can barely bear;
Each volume printed,
Indexed, the pages uncut,
Stored against time,
In the library of us,
As if we could be read,
Could read, would read,
The diary we would keep,
Were there time,
Time to retreat, to start again.
And Time’s bending in the river’s flow:
The silted corners,
The stagnant oxbow lake,
The tributaries turned to backwater
Rush by now, glimpsed;
And all that fear and hope
Kicking against the current
That’s pulling us out to sea.
And what to say?
Tongue swollen with a brackish discontent
And life’s failures a wishbone in the throat.
The floods and droughts:
The ink running from the page,
Fading in the sun.
The time, the time …
The mind flails,
Swimming in the deep water of itself,
Or beached upon its own desolate shore.
Each day now begins blank, unwritten,
And closes so.
Each night the detritus settles, thickens,
And flowing slows.
And death opens its black, toothless mouth -
A lipless, estuary-wide smile -
And yawns.