Monday, 12 July 2021


It’s in a shoebox under the bed - still


She’s young here

a stranger to me

the photo

its moment of happiness

excludes me


Young and happy

the picture captures this

imprisons and endlessly repeats it

still as Zeno’s Arrow


Yet no one remembers it

this deictic moment this little death


It lives only in the image

and what I now bring to it

yet still the wound

the piercing of the heart


It’s all there is and then it’s gone.

Monday, 21 June 2021




On the edge of everything there is something:

The mind, cradled by bone and skin,

Is the shore for an ocean’s wave -

With the kiss of kith and kin -

Rolling shadows into this island cave.


On the edge of everything there is nothing;

It hovers on the periphery of being,

But sometimes it slides into view

Like a fin slicing through water,

Cutting a hole in the whole … thing.


A whole is a whole by virtue of its parts;

A hole is hole by virtue of what surrounds it.


Everything but Nothing can be shared.

Thursday, 3 June 2021




She’s backstage in wardrobe,

Being measured up:

The final touches to costume,

Hair and make-up.

She can hear muffled voices,

Layered on the silence:

The ruffled noises of actors and audience,

The occasional scratching of applause,

The sharpening of the critics’ claws.


She shuffles around the stage -

Her slippers scuffing the polished floor -

Rearranging the props,

Shifting the scenery,

Changing the backdrops.


She’s working on trying

To remember her lines,

And how to figure in her cues.

But she keeps forgetting,

Drifting off … is carried away …


Then, prompted,

She exits stage left,

Wanders down the abandoned corridor,

Past the glitzy Stations of the Cross

That line the walls,

Climbs the narrow, crepuscular

Staircase, gripping the twisting,

Muscular bannister,

Calmed and worn smooth

By familiar hands.


At the top, a door ajar;

She finds herself in the gods,

Looks around, takes a seat,

Takes a breath,

And stares down

Into the teeming, atomised dark,

Sits waiting for the next show to start.

Wednesday, 12 May 2021

The Slanting of the light


The Slanting of the Light


You left them sitting in a room,

Backstage, behind a closed door,

For years,

Waiting for it to open

And for you to come back in

Larger than life - spotlight, drum roll – ta-dah!

With an invitation to the reunion;

Or perhaps they were hoping

For something small:

For a supplicant’s tentative knock,

For something to rouse them

From the stupor of sour memory,

For some good reason to cross the floor,

To ask who’s there, to open the door,

To set the dust motes aflight,

To change the slanting of the light.


But no one ever knocked

And the light remained unbent,


And now the door is locked,

And the room is empty and unaired,

Filled with music - no one has ever heard -

To announce the happy ending.

Thursday, 22 April 2021

An ocean


An ocean washes the shore of this island


The days roll in upon the beach,

Seethe and foam and then retreat

And the sand sucks in each one;

Footprints roam, fill and dissolve,

The years are erased and scrolled,

Experienced and then gone –

Scuttled or shipwrecked -

The water clogged with wrack;

Yet still the sirens sing along,

Whilst tides wreak havoc at your back.


Beyond the beach, the trees …

Out of reach … and on your knees.

Sunday, 4 April 2021

A moment


A moment


The wind has dropped, coming in over the lake;

The storm, with its wild unrest, has moved on,

So now the ripples barely reach the shore:

The muscle of water relaxed; cloud borne away.

And the light lingers now, is altered and slow,

More smoulder than burn, as if the lifted lid

Of sky were hesitant to be lowered -

The moment is time, gathered and stored -

Only, finally, to slip from your fingers,

To slide shut on the darkness.


On the far side, away from the house,

The trees are gathering in the shadows

To separate black from blackness.

And soon the moon at your back will slink

Quietly into the water, quivering

Just below the surface, like a thought,

And you won’t turn to stare it in the face

But simply watch how it dances - elusive and alone,

Amorphous, trying to keep afloat -

Only, finally, to feel it sink like a stone. 

Tuesday, 16 March 2021




I have grown old;

A shrub turned tree

Now lost in the forest of itself,

Where dreamed of maidens wandered,

Where fires were built

And the heat was squandered

On vast star-filled skies

In a universe that was at a tilt.

Now the fruit has fallen to the flies.


I have grown cold,

The branches without a single leaf

To cover what was faith, what was belief.