Pepper’s ghost (ATU 327A/DSM-IV)
Once upon a time …
there’s a girl she’s lost a shoe she’s lost in a forest she’s a pocketful of breadcrumbs there’s a body in the oven uncooked raw she’s been to a ball dancing into the club she’s letting her hair down she’s tying it up it’s a ladder it’s a noose highly strung high and dry fast and loose she’s a beast to be kissed she’s a bargain being struck a clock striking midnight a deal not to be missed made for a match she’ll light them one by one she’s a promise of gold of blood on the sheets she’s in a passage of rites she’s a stepping stone a chicken bone a finger to be pricked an apple to be picked a bite to be taken a bag full of beans forsaken a tower to be climbed a property to be claimed she’s a name to be named constructed deconstructed postmodernised and analysed she’s a life to be lived in but the shoe that she’s found herself in doesn’t fit it
mirror mirror on the wall where
they all live happily ever after after all