Friday, 31 January 2020

Enter Stage Right, a poem on beginnings and endings


There are two family trees
Growing in fields far apart,
Yet the same sun feeds
Their myriad leaves,
Nurtures each soft unfolding,
Carelessly, as every god does -
The agenda uncertain;
And who’s to choose
The fates of these?

(It’s a tragedy, of course,
Greek, written by Anemophilous.)

The trees are old, of course,
Everything reaches back,
Everything must connect –
Darwin flecked, the past
Perfects itself in the future.
Each extinction a casting
Off of the failure
To see what was to come,
A leaving behind
Of the halt and the lame;
And to come was this: Us.

Even without God,
The definite article that is,
It’s a faith built on hubris.

Some believe in a more
Accidental evolution,
A lucky dip;
Our fingers sticky with chance,
And licked with glee
As we made it up a step;
Not so much a climbing down from
More a falling out of the tree.

Ah, the fall ... there’s the rub:
Mea culpa, mea culpa,
Mea maxima culpa.
Back to God:
The apple never falls far from the tree
And there has to be suffering.
Who wouldn’t want a heaven?
Move over,
There’s room on that cross for two.

Yes, the trees are old,
Their boughs and branches
Cast long shadows,
A shading from the sun,
A simple need to protect,
To keep under cover,
To maintain the flavour
Of the soupy stock.
Heinz 57; DNA.

Yet seeds in their thousands
Are released to indifferent winds,
Scimitar the air, spin,
Are carried to distant lands;
Or fruit is eaten
And birds take wing,
Swinging out over fields,
Crossing cities and towns,
Countries and continents,
Shitting indiscriminately.

Somewhere – here -
Two saplings shoulder
Up through the humus,
Bending tenuous
Stems towards the light;
Their numb heads favour heat,
Nuzzle up to warmth -
Replete in a secular blindness.
One bears fruit
(A thin skin wrapped around
The soft pale flesh,
Easily pitted);
The other nuts (gnarled
And knotted, hard to crack).

Their branches enfold,
And they grow into each other;
They caress;
They entwine;
They marry,
Urgent with the sap they carry.
Finally, they swarm,
And they smother,
Lying one upon the other.

And a shoot,
Green tipped, trusting,
Noses up through the earth,
Exhales the thin oxygen
Of hope and of death.

[Exeunt stage left.]

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